By Lauren Giplin
Last week, we announced that we are recent recipients of an Emergency Grant from Alley Cat Allies. The COVID-19 pandemic, and its accompanying shut-down, has certainly been an emergency for many small businesses – FCS included. Our Catfé Lounge remains closed to visitors, and our largest fundraiser of the year – scheduled initially for March 29 – had to be postponed. Our weekly events, including Cat Yoga, Cat Bingo, and Purrlates, are also on hold. As a result, our only source of income at the moment is donations from supporters. Alley Cat Allies could not have come to the rescue at a more vital time for our organization!
Founded in 1990, Alley Cat Allies has been a long-time champion of TNR (trap-neuter-return), and is largely responsible for TNR’s current status as the most humane, responsible, and effective method of community cat care. Today, they are over half a million supporters strong, and have helped to advance policies that improve the lives of cats and those who love them.
On April 9, Alley Cat Allies announced they would be providing emergency funding to community rescue efforts in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ferndale Cat Shelter was lucky enough to be one of the recipients, and we cannot thank ACA enough for this crucial support.

Photo courtesy of Alley Cat Allies
While many of our fundraising efforts are on hold, our rescue efforts are not. We have continued to take in sick, injured, and vulnerable cats and kittens over the past month. It’s also kitten season, and we have several fosters caring for pregnant or nursing moms and their litters. Thanks to the grant extended to us by ACA, we were able to replenish our dwindling food supply and offer critical nutrition to cats in need. Here are just a few of the many felines whose bellies are full thanks to ACA:

Meeka & her babies
Only days before Governor Whitmer announced her Stay-Home, Stay-Safe order, Meeka was left on the doorstep of the Catfé in a carrier. Upon exam, she was found to be pregnant, and was able to be placed into a foster home. Today, her babies are nearly two weeks old, and Meeka is able to eat to her heart’s content – which means her babies can, too.

The Presidents’ Day Kittens
On February 17, Violet gave birth to 5 beautiful kittens in her foster home. They’re now coming of age in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and are eating their foster out of house and home! Thankfully, we’re now able to keep up with their growing appetites.

Rocky was found with an eye that was so infected, it had turned into a giant abscess. We speculate that the pain had kept him from nursing, and as a result, his tiny body was about half the size it should have been. Now that Rocky is feeling better, his appetite is unstoppable! He’s doubled in size since his intake, and now he’ll continue to receive the nutrition he needs to grow strong and healthy.
These stories, and dozens more like them, are going to have happy endings thanks to the help of Alley Cat Allies. We can’t thank them enough for their support. If you would like to learn more about ACA, please visit their website.
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